Summer 2016 International Conference
on Business and Economics (ICBE2016)
Jeju [Cheju], South Korea, July 7-9, 2016

Conference (ICBE2016) Program

Theme: Science, Technology and Humanities for Business and Economic Sustainability

Conference (ICBE2016) Proceedings


The 2016 International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBE2016) will be held in Jeju [Cheju], South Korea, July 7-9, 2016.

The conference is hosted jointly by:
the Korea Distribution Science Association (
& Jeju National University, and
the Shandong University of Political Science and Law of China.

The conference aims:
(1) to share scholarships regarding issues of science, technology and humanities for business and economic sustainability,
(2) to offer an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world,
(3) to enable participants to exchange information and ideas on the topics, and
to provide opportunities to get published scholarly papers and research notes in the conference proceedings and an affiliated journal.



The conference offers keynote addresses, formal paper symposia, case study presentations, special sessions, and industry leadership and public policy panel discussions as well as doctoral research seminars.
Academia, public policy makers, business leaders, consultants, and doctorate students can choose from a wide range of programs.



  • Full papers and scholarship applications must be ready for blind peer review.
  • Work-in-progress papers and poster presentations are welcomed, and not subject to peer review.
  • Research notes, short communication articles, and case studies are welcomed, and not subject to peer review.
  • All submissions and registration form are to be handled electronically by the conference email
  • The due date for conference registration and paper submission is May 30, 2016. 


  • All accepted full papers and work-in-progress papers will be included and published in the conference proceedings (with the author’s consent).
  • Top 5% of the accepted full papers will be recognized with Best Paper Awards and each awarded paper wins a scholarship** of USD500 in cash.
    The scholarships will be awarded for only if full paper accepted and registration fee paid.
  • About top 20% of high-quality papers from the conference proceedings will be invited for the accelerated review process, which is a second round of blind peer review process conducted by reviewers of the related journal editorial board for possible publication in one of the following journals:


To be eligible for the scholarship of USD500, the following requirements must be met:

  • Submit a conference registration form (if attended, registration fee must be paid),
  • Submit an abstract in English (Later, full paper in English must be submitted by May 30, 2016)
  • Submit a brief CV of presenting author(s), including the details of work affiliation and recent three year publications (limit 2 page lengths).
  • Scholarship Award applications must be submitted to the conference chair no later than February 28, 2016.
    Any application afterwards will not be honored.